Brain Science for Successful Companies

Brain Science for Successful Companies

Trainer: Bianca Bentzin

Despite our best efforts and our hard work, our brains our secretly sabotaging
our ability to be completely effective and successful at work.  Neuro influences
which are helpful in survival environments, often get activated in the workplace
making it difficult for us to reach our full potential of competency.  To further
complicate things, our brains our hard-wired to interact with others based on the
teachings from our families of origin as to how to relate to other people.  This
hard-wiring of how to connect with others can be healthy and dysfunctional,
depending on each person’s own experience.  This training will teach you and your coworkers to understand how brain science is helping and hindering you and your company’s success.  You will also learn how understanding relationship science can help you more effectively relate to
others.  Key points include:

  • How your brain is keeping you from being as successful as you want to be.
  • The role neuroscience plays in hiring, firing and professional development.
  • How your brain betrays you when presented with new ideas or projects.
  • What couple’s therapy teaches us about professional relationships.
  • The conflict between empathy and power and how this can undermine
    effective leadership.
  • Strategies to help your brain work for you and not against you.


Bianca Bentzin is a government attorney in Austin, Texas and also has a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy.

To request training, please contact Bianca at [email protected].