Family Mental Health During Times of Crisis

Family Mental Health During Times of Crisis

Trainer:  Bianca Bentzin

Times of crisis in our world, in our community, or in our personal lives can bring emotions and feelings that are unfamiliar or challenging to manage. For families who are also experiencing personal illness (mental or physical) and/or caring for children or aging relatives, an unexpected crisis can be overwhelming and feel impossible to manage. This presentation will use compassion and empathy to bring validation and hope to those in crisis and will address topics such as:

  • Prioritizing essential needs and setting boundaries
  • Learning to say “no” and letting go of the “shoulds”
  • Recognizing signs of compassion fatigue and “burn out”
  • Strategies for managing stress, worry and anxiety
  • How to talk with family members about a crisis and associated feelings
  • How to balance individual needs while supporting and nurturing the mental health of children, extended family members, friends and colleagues.


Bianca Bentzin is a government attorney in Austin, Texas and also has a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy. 

To request training, please contact Bianca at [email protected].