Trainings & Presentations

Brain Science for Successful Companies

In this comprehensive course, dive into the nit and grit of the psychological forces at work in your personal and professional success. Learn about the brain and relationship science behind what makes an organization, employees, and leaders as effective as possible.

Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Strengthening your organization’s emotional intelligence is a low-cost way to increase productivity and organizational success. This training will teach you and your coworkers how to raise your emotional intelligence level at work in a way that is professional, functional, and with appropriate boundaries.

Creating a Trauma-Informed Work Environment

Misunderstanding the nature of trauma and its effects on your clients, customers and colleagues can be detrimental to the success of your organization.  This course offers a complete walk-through on the transition to become an understanding workplace.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Mindfulness meditation has been used for centuries to help people learn to live in the present, find peace, and used as part of a treatment plan for a variety of mental illnesses and disorders.

This presentation will use brain science and practical experience to address topics including an overview of mindful meditation, the benefits of meditation, and resources to get started with meditation.

Family Mental Health During Times of Crisis

Times of crisis in our world, in our community, or our personal lives can bring emotions and feelings that are unfamiliar or challenging to manage.

This presentation will use compassion and empathy to bring validation and hope to those in crisis and will address topics including prioritizing and balancing needs, learning to say “no”, and strategies for recognizing signs, leading discussion, and managing stress.

Supporting Parents of Children Who Were Seriously Injured or Are Chronically Ill

This presentation will give voice and understanding to the complex feelings experienced by family members who have a child or sibling of any age with a serious injury or chronic mental or physical illness.

A Mother’s Story of Trauma, Love and Healing

This presentation will detail the extraordinary and motivating story of Bianca’s family story from near-death to miraculous recovery.